Air lifts us up to seeing with new eyes. When air is in balance, your mind is free and flexible. You mentally travel and explore, allowing new ideas to widen your horizon.
The air element is expressed through thoughts, currents, and the nervous system. It's associated with synapses firing in the brain, and oxygen flowing into the lungs and bloodstream. This element is about the breath, and seeking inspiration, a word that means "breathing in." Its home territory is the vast mental field, where "thoughts are things" that create the tangible outline of our lives.
Air is one of the four elements -- the others are fire, water, and earth -- and each one is important for your sense of well-being. It's exhilarating to break through old ways of thinking because that sets real external change in motion. Air brings emotional detachment, and that helps you make good decisions. When the air is moving, it makes for lively sociability, and keeps you curious and always learning.
It's hard to feel grounded and in your body. You can be lost with your head in the clouds. You find it hard to tie down your free-floating ideas to tangible, daily effort. Your busy mind keeps you awake with insomnia. You are high-strung with erratic breathing (possibly a smoker). You dissipate your energy by talking, texting, emailing, etc. You feel like you can't organize your thoughts. There's too much static and not enough space or room to breathe.
It's hard to see yourself with any objectivity. You're apathetic, bored. You don't see a point to what you're doing.