Implement a grocery anti-sweat control system that can reduce or turn off anti-sweat heaters of refrigerated display case doors to be eligible for this rebate. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install new strip curtains or plastic swinging doors on doorways of refrigerated spaces and you could be eligible for these incentives. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Replace your fuel-powered pump with a variable-speed irrigation pump and you could receive this rebate. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install a variable-speed ventilation hood with a temperature and/or optic sensor that varies exhaust rate. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install either no-sweat doors or doors with anti-heaters to be eligible for a $50 rebate per door, limited to retrofitting of existing doors. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Reduce your energy usage with custom upgrades and you could receive up to $75,000 per building per year at $0.10/kWh reduced. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Eligible businesses can receive up to 70% on the total installed cost for LED upgrades and more. See how much you could save by scheduling a free, no-obligation lighting assessment.
Eligible customers who install variable frequency drives from 2,200 hp ≥ 1,500 annual hours on existing HVAC systems can receive up to $50/hp. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install a high-efficiency fan motor on the air handling equipment on refrigerated walk-ins to be eligible for this rebate. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Receive up to a $75 rebate per thermostat when you install a Smart, Wi-Fi enabled thermostat to replace a standard or programmable model that is at least 10 years old. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Take advantage of this rebate by installing ≥46" strip LED fixtures on both sides of grocery display case doors. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install a cover on an existing open refrigerated display case for nightly use and you could be eligible for this rebate. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Switch to an ENERGY STAR® server and you could be eligible to receive $100 per server. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Install new construction lighting and receive up to $25,000 per building per year, up to 50 percent of a project’s cost. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Replace gaskets in existing grocery store facilities and you could be eligible for $2 per linear foot in rebates. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.
Whether your business is planning to install one or several EV chargers, we have rebates tailored to your needs. For more information on the specifics of this rebate, click here.