Gift Acceptance Policies

Should your nonprofit accept every gift that comes its way? It can be hard to say, “no thank you!” to a donor, but sometimes that's the more prudent path.

There are some kinds of gifts (think old cars, outdated computers, or gifts with too many strings attached, as just three examples) that your nonprofit simply may not want to – or should not – accept. Some gifts may result in more hassle and expense than benefit to the organization. There are certain types of gifts, especially in-kind contributions, that many nonprofits simply can't easily use or dispose of safely. This is where a well-considered gift acceptance policy can be a help.

Manage expectations with gift acceptance policies

A written gift acceptance policy can help manage the expectations of donors (while treating them with respect) and also serve as guidance for board and staff members who are on either the asking or receiving end of contributions. The most significant reasons to adopt a gift acceptance policy include:

Practice Pointers

Related Insight & Analysis

Additional Resources

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