Appeals in Original Medicare

There are 5 levels of appeal. If you disagree with the decision made at any level of the process, you can usually go to the next level. At each level you'll get a decision letter with instructions on how to move to the next level.

Before you start an appeal, ask your provider or supplier for any information that may help your case.

Level 1 appeals : Redetermination

The first level of appeal in Original Medicare is called a Redetermination.

Start your appeal by looking at your "Medicare Summary Notice(MSN). You must file your appeal by the date in the MSN. If you miss the deadline for appealing, you may still file an appeal and get a decision if you can show good cause for missing the deadline. What’s considered good cause for missing the deadline?

Next, decide how to file your appeal:

  1. Fill out a "Redetermination Request Form [PDF, 100 KB]" and send it to the Medicare contractor at the address listed on your MSN.
  2. Follow the appeal instructions in your MSN:
  3. Submit a written request to the Medicare Administrator Contractor (MAC). The company’s address is listed on your MSN. Your appeal must include:

You’ll generally get a decision from the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) within 60 days after they get your appeal. If the MAC decides that Medicare will cover the appealed item(s) or service(s), it will be listed on your next MSN. If the MAC decides that Medicare won’t cover the appealed item(s) or service(s), you’ll get a written decision letter (called a “Medicare Redetermination Notice”).

If you disagree with the MAC's decision:

You have 180 days after you get the MAC’s decision letter or an MSN to ask for a level 2 appeal, called a “Reconsideration” by a Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC).

Level 2 appeals: Independent Review Entity (IRE) Reconsideration

A QIC is an independent contractor that didn’t take part in the level 1 decision. The QIC will review your request for a reconsideration and make a decision. Your request should clearly explain why you disagree with the redetermination decision from level 1. It’s helpful to send a copy of the “Medicare Redetermination Notice” with your request for a reconsideration to the (QIC).

The QIC will send you a decision within 60 days after the QIC gets your appeal request.

If you’re dissatisfied with the QIC’s decision, you have 60 days from the date of the QIC’s decision to ask for a level 3 appeal.

Level 3 appeals: Decision by the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)

If you file an appeal with OMHA the amount of your case must meet a minimum dollar amount. For 2024, the minimum dollar amount is $180.

You can ask for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) or, in certain circumstances, if you don’t wish to have a hearing, you can ask for an on the record review of your appeal by an ALJ or attorney adjudicator. To ask for a hearing before an ALJ, follow the directions on the "Medicare Reconsideration Notice" you got from the Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC) in your level 2 appeal.

A hearing before an ALJ allows you to present your appeal to a new person who will independently review the facts of your appeal and listen to your testimony before making a decision. An ALJ hearing is usually held by phone or video-teleconference, but can also be held in person if the ALJ finds that you have a good reason.

You or your representative can ask for a hearing in one of these ways: