ONLINE Rental Application

The screenshots below may differ from your Click & Lease program depending on what state you are located in.

A link to the Online Rental Application may be placed on your property's website so that prospective residents may apply online. When a resident has completed an Online Rental Application, an email notification will be sent to the property.

You can then manage the Online Rental Applications you’ve received when logged into the Click & Lease program. You may review and print the applications, or actually move the resident in upon approval.

Follow these steps to manage your Online Rental Applications:

    When logged into the Click & Lease program, click the Application Forms tab, and then click on Online Rental Applications.

Online Rental Applications

If you have received any new Online Rental Applications while away, a message should pop-up alerting you. Click OK to view the applications received.

  1. The next screen allows you to view the online rental applications you have received. The following information can be viewed:
Open Online Rental Application

    The Create Lease screen will appear. You may now create a new lease record for the applicant.